Friday, October 16, 2015


A legion of superhumans unlike any you've seen before.

It was going just fine until someone (*cough* Jason *cough*) gave Stupor Man actual powers. If it had been done gradually, it would have worked. But... live and learn, I guess.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Elder Gods All Died of Old Age

Obviously, our comics don't depict Cthulhu realistically. But realistically, he's unbeatable, and that's no fun.


Matt Meese of Studio C, reprising his role as Captain Literally. Let's give him a round of applause.


Defying The Laws Of Physics, or DeTLOP for short, eventually developed one of the better plot-lines compared to a lot of our comics. Eventually.

Originally, the Eldritch Flame was going to be the only colorful character, representing his magical nature. Then, I lost my green colored pencils.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

This is War

The Randomness Within reaches its culmination.

Rhyme and Reason

Two things I could probably use more of.

Tribute to Jason

At one point, when I looked at Jason, the word "progenitor" popped into my head. Jason started most of our comics, for some reason. Drawing the first panel or so, and then passing it on. Eventually, Clark and I started spawning our own series, but Jason, well, he's in a class of his own.
Of the comics Jason started, this one is... let's say, interesting.